Bill's Story: Rewards systems

A project management and staking as a service use case of the LINQ LocQer


In a more advanced scenario, Bill strategically leverages the flexibility of the LINQ LocQer platform to evolve his project's token management from a straightforward token lock to a sophisticated and complex rewards system. This progression is designed to incentivize circulating supply reduction and boost ecosystem participation, showcasing the dynamic capabilities of the LocQer to adapt to project growth and changing objectives.

Advanced Use Case Scenario:

Initially, Bill configures his LocQers to serve as token locks & vesting structures. This foundational step is crucial for establishing trust with his community by securely locking team, partnership, and liquidity tokens. The transparency and security of these locks lay the groundwork for long-term project credibility.

Phase 1: Token Locking

Team Tokens Lock:

  • Secure team members' tokens to align their interests with the project's long-term success.

Partnership Tokens Lock:

  • Lock tokens designated for partnerships to ensure gradual distribution according to partnership agreements.

Liquidity Tokens Lock:

  • Lock liquidity to provide market stability and protect against rug pulls to build trust with the community.

Transition to Phase 2: Complex Rewards System

As the initial locking period nears completion or according to the project's strategic timeline, Bill begins to reconfigure the LocQers to transition into a complex rewards system. This system is meticulously designed to reduce the circulating supply of tokens while encouraging active participation within the ecosystem.

Phase 2: Complex Rewards System

Token Burning Mechanism:

  • Bill introduces a feature where a small portion of the tokens deposited into a staking LocQer to earn yield rewards or participate in ecosystem activities are burned, effectively reducing the circulating supply.

Staking for Yield:

  • He modifies a LocQer to offer high yield rates for staked tokens, encouraging holders to lock their tokens for long periods. This not only reduces the circulating supply but also deepens holders' commitment to the project. He fuels this yield from his projects utility sales, as well as a portion of swap taxes re-invested into the projects staking incentives.

Ecosystem Participation Rewards:

  • Bill sets up rewards for holders who actively participate in ecosystem governance, contribute to community discussions, or complete specific tasks. This fosters a more engaged and vibrant community. He uses a special LocQer that he distributes virtual shares certificates to worthy community members that is paid out a portion of the projects liquidity in a trustless and, now tradeable manner. These certificates can be traded.

Benefits of the Transition:

Supply Reduction:

  • The burning mechanism and staking incentives naturally reduce the circulating supply, potentially increasing the token's value.

Enhanced Ecosystem Engagement:

  • The rewards for ecosystem participation ensure a more active and committed community.

Flexibility and Adaptability:

  • The ability to reconfigure the LocQers demonstrates the platform's adaptability to meet the project's evolving needs, showcasing Bill's innovative approach to token economics.

Increased Project Value:

  • The combined effect of supply reduction and increased engagement contributes to the project's overall value, attracting more investors and participants.


By transitioning from token locking to a complex rewards system, Bill not only secures his project's foundational integrity but also strategically drives its growth and sustainability. This advanced use case illustrates the potent capabilities of the LINQ LocQer platform in supporting project owners through the entire lifecycle of their project, from launch to maturity.

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